I want to participate!

10 March 2016 18:0046elks

Are phone calls still relevant?

The world of Internet used to be very disconnected from the world of telephony. API services such as 46elks bridges that gap and it's now possible for any web developer to use phone numbers and phone calls in their applications.

Some people use phone calls for waking emergency staff in the middle of the night, others for password reminders and even verifying new users.

We invite tech people in Uppsala to hack voice demos with us. How could this technology be relevant to the software you are building ?

All you need to know

The idea is that we start with giving you some ideas about what others are doing with phone calls & phone numbers and how easy those things are to do with a good cloud communications API. Everyone is then invited to play around with telephony.

  • 18:00 - Introduction to Voice APIs
  • 19:00 - Food & hacking
  • 21:00 - Sharing is caring

Around 21:00 anyone who wants to is free to tell the crowd what they managed to do during this short amount of time - and ideas here is enough - basically any innovative way of using phone calls we're interested to hear about! :-)

I want to participate!
Johannes Lundberg